“We attained accreditation into QSRMC in 2003 and are still the only volumetric company in the UK to have earned this accreditation.  This gives you peace of mind as to experience, knowledge and products.”

Easy Mix Cheltenham


Easy Mix Cheltenham Footings Dig

Footings Calculator

Length A is the total linear length of the trenches.

Footings Calculator
Easy Mix Cheltenham Slab Dig2

Slab Calculator

Slab Calculator
Easy Mix Cheltenham Piling Dig

Piling Calculator

Piling Calculator

Please be aware that whilst the equations are correct using our volume calculators, it is not always possible for your measurements to be exact and therefore we suggest you use our volume calculators as a guide.

This is another advantage for using mixed on site concrete as we supply what is required not just what is ordered.

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